River Trips & Wildlife Experiences from Upstreet Nr Canterbury
Access Statement
Access Statement
This access statement is not a personal statement about our suitability for those with access needs. Instead, it describes the facilities and services we offer to all our guests and visitors.
You board the boat using a non-slip metal ramp. Handrails run along both sides of the ramp. It adjusts to the tide’s height. From the ramp, there are 3 steps down into the boat. If you have any queries or require any assistance please contact us before your trip. See pictures below of the ramp and steps
You can reach the boat in two ways. First, enter the Inn through the front door (steps) or the disabled entrance (ramp). Then, exit at the back onto the decking.
Alternatively, go through the double gates to the right of the pub. This will lead you into the garden of the Inn and onto the decking (2 ramps).
Boat staff will aid customers when requested and where possible.
Grove Ferry River Trips and The Grove Ferry Inn are separate entities. Still, the Inn offers our visitors free access to its facilities. These include:
Free car parking (remember to register your vehicle)
Toilet facilities, including those for disabled guests
Once on the tour a partial commentary is given by the skipper. It is recommended that passengers with hearing difficulties sit closer to the guide. The main attraction is the scenery, so hard of hearing passengers will still enjoy the tour. All dogs are welcome.

Video walk through from Car Park to the boat – it omits registering your car in the pub to avaoid a parking fine